Product Repairs

How to send your Nikon product for repair

If you have been unable to resolve the issue you are experiencing using the Support Centre or Download Centre sections of our website and need to return your equipment to us for examination or repair, please find the options available to you here.



Make a note of the product’s name and serial number for future reference

Any warranty claims must be accompanied by a copy of the Proof of Purchase and the Warranty card, otherwise the repair will be suspended until the valid documentation is received. Click here to view the Nikon UK Service Terms & Conditions.

Please ensure all items sent are packaged sufficiently to protect against damage during transit.

Only send accessories with the equipment if they are relevant to the repair

If the reason for sending your equipment is related to image quality, please include example images on an SD card or CD to help us to investigate.

If you have any questions about this or any other services we can offer, please contact us. Once your equipment has been received at Nikon, we will send out an acknowledgement advising you of the repair situation, which can then be tracked online.

If you have any questions about this service, please call our dedicated team on 0330 123 0928.

Calls to '03' numbers are charged at no more than national call rate and will be included as part of any inclusive minutes or discount package.

If you have any further questions, visit our dedicated FAQs page.